
Create videos in any style you can imagine with Text to Video and Image to Video generation. If you can think it, you can generate it.

How to use Text to Video
Enter a text prompt, adjust settings and generate a video.

Try Text to Video
Step 1
Enter a text prompt
To get started, try typing in a simple prompt like, “a waterfall.” From there, you can start to add modifiers to affect the style, composition and overall mood of your generation.
Step 2
Adjust settings
You can also use advanced settings like fixed seed numbers, upscaling and frame interpolation to improve the consistency and resolution of your generations.
Step 3
Once your settings are dialed in, click "Generate" to create a 4 second video. At that point, you can choose to extend your shot up to a total of 16 seconds. All Gen-2 generations are saved to your Runway assets folder automatically.

How to use Image to Video
Input any image, adjust the settings and generate a video.

Try Image to Video
Step 1
Upload an image
Choose an image you'd like to turn into video. You can either upload one from your computer or select one from your Runway assets.
Step 2
Adjust settings
You can also try advanced settings like upscaling, frame interpolation and fixed seed numbers to improve the consistency and resolution of generations.
Step 3
Once your settings are dialed in, click "Generate" to create a 4 second video. At that point, you can choose to extend your shot up to a total of 16 seconds. All Gen-2 generations are saved to your Runway assets folder automatically.
Bring more control to your generations.
Motion Brush
Camera Controls
General Motion
Lip Sync
Bring motion and intention to specific areas or subjects in your generations.
Introducing General World Models
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We believe the next major advancement in AI will come from systems that understand the visual world and its dynamics, which is why we’re starting a new long-term research effort around what we call general world models.
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